sub·urb ˈsəbərb/ noun an outlying district of a city, especially a residential one. Fact – the scariest of all suburbs have all the streets named for trees. The suburb which I now occupied had only tree named streets. And there were only two housing plans used. The one story suburban ranch style and the two … Continue reading The Perfect Burb
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The Stolen Bridge
Well, I suppose it had to happen but it was a bad time for the bridge to get stolen. The Astoria-Megler bridge was, if anything, over built. On the sky line it’s very imposing, unless it’s raining and unfortunately it’s almost always raining, but normally it is very grand. It doesn’t go anywhere. It was billed as “the bridge to nowhere” which seemed great at the time all six miles of it spanning the great Columbia River from Astoria Oregon to the very grim Dysmal Nitch.
The Black Lake obstacle run is the hardest in the United States. People show up for it completely unaware they’re about to take part in it and mill around until shoved out onto the path and someone – usually an older rather robust person from Dallas Texas shouts, “GO” directly into their face. Some need a shove to get going.
Runners Insomnia & Fix
A lot of athletes suffer from insomnia and then are told they should just “work out” in order to fix it. It’s impossible to find a decent health article online about this so I wrote one. Eat green foods. There you go. That’s all that’s in this article. Eat greens.
Comorbidity – Is Santa Safe?
Christmas Day 2020 Despite naysayers pointing out that Santa Clause aka St.Nick aka Kris Kringle was in too much danger to deliver presents this year due to a plethora of comorbid medical conditions that puts him at extreme risk to catch and subsequently die from Covid-19: Presents Are Here! Boom Thus once again Santa is … Continue reading Comorbidity – Is Santa Safe?
Mandalorians Save Christmas
“We have a lot of bugs in the system Bob, what are we going to do?”
Coffee Corner
It’s good, it’s coffee, it’s coffee corner! The coffee corner has proudly added two more chairs raising indoor seating to a capacity of four. With the cooler weather, Max, the coffee cat will be inside more to visit and take up space in the window. An additional bird feeder has been added to the outdoor … Continue reading Coffee Corner
Duathlon Event Scheduled!
The Sir William Wallace Uncivilized Freedom Virtual Duathlon is scheduled to take place March 27th of 2021 in Dysmal Nitch. Participants will have a choice of: 5k run, 25 mile bike ride, 10k run or 1 mile run, 15 mile bike ride, 5K run
Black Lake Run 2020
Runners are thrown into the semi-annual Black Lake race without warning and must call upon not just their athletic ability but mental strength to overcome a wide assortment of obstacles and an uncertain finish line. This years race has been absolutely brutal without one finisher yet emerging!
Time for Beautiful Sweaters!
God ushered in more fall and winter like weather this week as we experienced our first freeze of the year with chilly temps hovering around 32f in the morning!