Dysmal Nitch Pacific Northwest

Category Archives: Local Talent

Drugs, Souls, and the Metaphysical

What if we’re not so much the sum of our experiences – what if we’re the sum of what we put into our bodies via food, drugs, chemicals? What if it determines our frequency, success, friends and opportunities?

The happenstance and synchronicity may look random to our viewpoints that are so often fixed in duality, but in the metaphysical it’s all interwoven.

Possibly what we consume loads a program as predictable as an operating system. It frames our behaviors. Maybe in a Biblical sense self-indulgence and greed reap certain misfortune. It’s an old thought indeed.

Let us also ponder what happens when people in power believe their bloodlines, and ivy league education has made them superior and this specialness justifies their life extension drug use? Like other drug use they start to vibrate at a different frequency and engage in a reality the rest of us can’t understand.

Finally – maybe we can find our potential from something as simple as including fresh mushrooms in our diet every week or not eating ultra processed food and avoiding flouride. It really could be that simple.

We’re all metronomes striving to sync to our true tribe. Have trouble finding your tribe and where you belong? Try changing how you eat.

Fort Stevens’ Astral Spiders: Just Hanging Around

Across the River in Oregon This year the Steven’s woods was struck by formidable challenges that directly lead to an overpopulation of Astral Spiders. First the forest found itself occupied with an intoxicated violent transient encampment (that dumped trash and defecated in the woods). Then in the main park an influx of tourists heavy with … Continue reading Fort Stevens’ Astral Spiders: Just Hanging Around

Local activists revealed to be ‘hot for each other’

In absolute scandalous local news a handsome young man who we’ll call “Tristan” continues to identify as a gay activist despite having a torrid physical love affair with a beautiful young Lesbian activist who we’ll call “Amy”. Tristan has been working to start a career in politics has put both of their futures in jeopardy. Life never goes in a direction you expect it to – not here, not in Dysmal Nitch.