Sunday Sermon: A Call To Action (and Potluck Sunday!)

The Slack Tide


This is sermon about consumption and becoming consumed with our consumption, yup, Satan’s old game. And it’s especially about how we’ve all been funneled into having to consume technology as if it was the new and improved processed food. It’s also about taking some steps to help save yourself and save your family.

Stop consuming technology. Re-engage with your local communities. Connect to Jesus, the divine, and nature instead of technology and avoid AI. Produce something everyday, no matter how small or large. Knitting a scarf is a lot more useful than listening to CNN! And finally pick something difficult in your life to undertake and shift your focus from consumption to learning and doing. Be a verb.

You and your family are in danger. Everyday. You’re being exposed to something as dangerous as anything mankind has ever faced. It’s addictive, it has mind-control capabilities, it steals billions in productivity out of the economy and destroys lives every single day. It began its life as a weapon and it’s being used against the public to turn their minds to mush and their actions to those of a zombie. Do you know what it is? Some of you do, I can tell you know right off that it’s technology that I will be discussing. Well, today I’m going to ask you to take a few actions for yourself, for your family and also for our lovely community. What I’m about to ask you to do is not easy.

Let’s start with prayer:
“Dear Lord thou art in Heaven we approach you today in the name of Jesus, please don’t let your flock get pulled into online media consumption with its mockingbird repeaters that are attempting to brainwash and control their thoughts and actions. Let them have the foresight to not allow their children anywhere near this bullshit and have tight personal limits on consumption and let us always produce and give more than we consume, lest we be lead astray and feed the beast that comes to destroy us all. In Jesus’ name we pray: AMEN.”

Let us sing together: Glory Glory Hallelujah and Amazing Grace – that’s page 121 and 122 in your hymnals…. great stuff, great stuff….

Let me ask you, do any of you out there remember the era of DDT? Or your Grandparents or Great Grandparents I suppose now for the young people.

People at the time thought DDT was safe enough to dust lunch boxes to prevent illness. It was so safe that children played during mass spraying of ditches. For the longest time it was seen as a net benefit to humans everywhere and a magical breakthrough of our own clever progress, an example from the age of American Exceptionalism.

DDT, the crowning achievement of chemistry – making life better. was around the time that we started seeing a little disease called Polio … and unlike most diseases that hit people with infirmities or old age instead it hit children often rapidly and with extreme consequences. [1]

The chemical era saw the invention of Crisco which was an acronym for Crystallized Cottonseed oil. Cottonseeds incidentally are quite toxic, great pesticide ingredient but they had tons and tons of these toxic seeds. Proctor and Gamble turned to their chemists, if they could figure out a use for so many seeds they would make a fortune and with ingenuity the chemists figured out a way using a gasoline byproduct hexane and fancy chemistry to turn cottonseeds into ……food. And I’m not hating on Proctor and Gamble, that was darn clever. I grew up with Crisco. I’m not saying it’s good or bad so no lawsuits Crisco! [also see 2]

In 1945 a toxic waste product, one from the Alcoa corporation began to be disposed of by putting it in the water supply. They could charge a small fee for their toxic waste and also get rid of it! It was a great deal for Alcoa and for dentists. Anyone want to hazard a guess what fluoride causes? And they knew about this folks, see fluoride occurs naturally in some wells at pretty high concentrations in the middle east and it causes dental issues.

There for awhile every week there seemed to come out a new invention from chemists to help mankind. PVC pipe, polyvinyl chloride, provided not only a new product but a place to dump excessive chlorine as an industrial waste product of manufacturing.

How many here recall when they invented the plastic 2-liter bottle and seeing those for the first time in the store? And what were we taught in school folks? “Plastic never degrades. It doesn’t break down! Ever!” That was the big fear at the time. We all had visions of these plastic bottles sitting in landfills forever. We were going to run out of a place to put trash, that was the 1970’s.

In schools all over the US we learned the legend of fossil fuels. A few of you probably still don’t know that was updated – did you know oil doesn’t come from fossils? Honestly folks, I didn’t know that, I was shocked. I thought, if it’s so rare that it can only come from a dinosaur bone why is it so cheap? We are charged a pittance and then throwing out these amazing dinosaur created containers out into a pasture marked ‘landfill’ – forever? I mean, it was a real head scratchier for the last five decades of my life!

I know a few of you keep those plastic containers food comes in for leftovers don’t ya? I know, I know, I go for the cottage cheese and I find potato salad! I love potato salad, the kind with the mustard and egg that my wife makes. It’s gooood. Maybe she hides it in the re-used container so it lasts until the potluck!

We had decades of unparalleled chemistry breakthroughs. Chemistry was going to solve all our problems and nobody, and I’m being really serious here, nobody thought it was dangerous. We also thought the breakthroughs would never end. It really was a brave new world folks – and even in the 70’s – my time with the release of the book, ‘Silent Spring’ and an environmental movement kicking off about the dangers there was still this idea of only a few bad actors, maybe just a couple of chemicals but they were always far away and someone else’s problem.

Thanks for sticking with me folks as I reminisce – we’re not really talking about chemicals today, we’re going to talk about eras of rapid advancement and not stopping to take into consideration the harms involved. The chemical revolution was supplanted by computer technology , online media and now AI. That’s our new chemical era. That’s where we’re at and I think it might be worse folks. We’re in it.

When the chemical era started going sideways with obscene amounts of pollution as a culture we didn’t take a pause. Instead in 1968 you had Paul Ehrlich publish, ‘The Population Bomb’ and suddenly instead of chemicals being the problem it was the number of people on the planet needing and using the chemicals that was the problem. So it carried on, but really by the 70’s people were starting to catch on, the Devil needed something new.

y’all notice how little research goes into Autism? Effects as many as 1:10 children and they can’t figure it out?

We know about chemicals now so evil had to change the game from chemicals to technology – but it’s the same glittery promises of Utopia as before folks. Remember, evil can’t create, it can only make you try to forget what it did last time! Same old con.

Let’s have a few hymns and we’ll be back, page 130, “I’ll Fly Away”

To get people consumed with their own consumption. That’s the Devils game folks and I’ll keep coming back to it. What are you consuming? News? Where do you get that news? The Internet? I know I do – we all do right? Even the traditional news stations are now on the Internet. Is that news from a hundred sources or just one? Most of us figured out that our government had a strangle hold on every bit of news we saw.

I thought I was smart this year, I started watching the alternative news. People who proclaim themselves as real firebrand outsiders with ‘The TRUTH!” [Trademark] — Well I want the truth, things are crazy these days! What’s going on! Well, I tell you what folks, I got caught up in that because it’s easy to do. Every single week there was some new disaster and dots to connect and world events and felt quite cosmopolitan that for the first time in my life I could find some of these countries on the map. That Russell Brand fellow, he even looks like Jesus and he’ll talk about the gospel and then suddenly he’s sliding in some Marxism and some Communism and I’m scratching my head going … what?! That’s how persuasion works and we covered this last week.

First item is easy to agree with, second a little tougher but maybe we could see their point of view, but the third and the fourth point are usually outright bullshit but they’ll go, “well you already agreed to the first and second item! Now you have to buy!” Well you don’t. You don’t and you shouldn’t. Turn that crap off, unfollow, and don’t buy. But what if you can’t pick out the bait and switch? What if you don’t know what Marxism is or why it’s so bad?

I’ll tell you all another story, when I was in college I had an old fashioned Oklahoma University with a lot of very smart tenured professors. And they didn’t try to tell us that Marxism was evil, naa’ they pitched it to us – we were all in! It sounded amazing. We agreed with all of it, give me more! I want the cheese please! And then the next lecture they brought in the slides and showed us up close and in a way I will never forget what Marxism does. And the death, the starvation, the depravity, the cannibalism, pogroms, the death camps … that stuck with me folks. I won’t recount those horrors here – if you’re interested read up on it but if you’re a sensitive person maybe get uh’ edited version because I believe what we consume can really scar us folks, you need to be careful.

I do thank those professors for teaching it in that manner because I could see very clearly the appeal, everyone gets a golden goose and nobody is going to pay or do any work! That’s an appealing prospect to a twenty-year old! There is a joke, Communism works because the mouse doesn’t question why the cheese is free. And of course the cheese is sitting on a mouse trap.

One day the alternative news all started saying the same phrases. Just like the mockingbird mainstream press who they often demonstrate doing the same thing, “One thing we know for sure is that this was allowed to happen and that….” I won’t finish that, I don’t want that to infect anyone here with the stickiness of their phrases — because it made me think about how I had been gullible like my ancestors who thought chemicals were the bees knees. Maybe the arsenic insecticide was bad – but DDT was awesome. I had bought in fully to DDT.

We used to do something called, ‘dipping’ any of you ever heard that? Where you dig a hole and fill it with, well it was an arsenic laced pesticide back then and you would dip your cow or sheep in it and get rid of the flies and things that bothered them. We never questioned it. Can you believe we did that? We’re going to look back on this era and how we just let kids watch the Internet and have their own iPads with absolute horror.

What if our consumption of digital media is just as bad as consuming chemicals in our food and our environment? What if the negative effects are being suppressed by a controlled internet and what if there are literal real time demonstrable and terrible consequences to this consumption like addiction and brain damage.

I followed a wide variety of alternative media and out of all of those on the platform Rumble – only one person had a different message and he isn’t even on the platform, he hosts his own videos! So one out of a couple of dozen sampled were saying the exact same phrase. When does it become brainwashing? At what point are we just taking on a program that runs in our brains and thinks for us? When does it cross over into addiction?

On the alternative platforms there was the same, ‘don’t you dare question it!” mentality that the mainstream news had and the same exact delivery.

All opposition is controlled opposition. All the fake food in the grocery store is made from the same fake ingredients. You’re not consuming variety. They give you the anxiety and they give you the only means to quell it – their information.

My parents smoked and let me tell you, I heard it, “I can quit any time I want.” Haha – they smoked to the end and they never could stay off the cigs.

Psychologists designed the information system of today to be highly addictive and novel in a way that we have no natural defenses for – especially young people.

I know a lot of you are thinking I would talk only about social media, TikTok, Elon Musk’s new ‘X’ platform formally Twitter, and Facebook but you know it’s not the platform. It’s not even the message. It’s the consumption and keeping you hooked. It’s always going to be all the same garbage. There is no reality to any of it.

I guess in the realm of research I’ve probably done more than anyone here, haha, that is the research of being online too much! You know in epidemiology they try to trace back patient zero where an outbreak kicked off – I am ashamed to say, I am patient zero. I started my work in social media in 1998 building web sites and researching something we called, ‘establishing legitimacy online.” Recently in my non-stop multi-decade media consumption I saw a few “tech-bros” covering the history and rise of online media….it was so inaccurate and I was there, I remember MySpace – they didn’t even mention that was a thing, they tried to say Facebook was on the Windows ’95 operating system when it didn’t launch until 2004! They are making up history in real time.

Here’s the trick, we all crave coherence, and if you do things that make people incoherent but promise them that if you do as you say they can get back to a coherent world – then they will buy into it.

Catherine Austin Fitz, Solari Report

The noise to signal ratio these days is all noise. Have you tried to use a search engine to find information lately? They manipulate the results, did you know that? We used to be able to look up something and come up with just so many different points of view and different ideas and a wide variety of material. Now they have ‘trusted sources’ and those are also all repeated. You never see anything new. They build a fake consensus to make people think their lies are truth.

We talked about this last week, how you won’t ever see anything creative or anything new out of evil. It can’t create folks.

The people in charge of these monstrosities don’t believe in the soul, the spirit, creativity, connection — or if they do — they’re bothered by it. Did you know you could get called a racists for saying we’re interconnected with each other? Did you know that? They tried that on David Icke to try to shut him up. He’s one of the odder alternative news people. You might know him as the ‘Lizzid Peeple’ guy, he came up with that conspiracy theory. Did you know they banned him in 26 or more countries? I’m not saying he’s right, but I am saying that’s an odd action to take if a guy is a nut. Here on the coast we have people evangelizing a lot stranger things, I met a woman on our Boardwalk the other day convinced she was Cleopatra.

Then we have AI, and I would be remiss in not addressing this. As someone with years of computer technology behind me I am rather curious at the conflicting reports about AI, how it runs, what it runs on, how much power it requires, how it is trained — none of their explanations and stories about how it operates make sense. That usually means they’re lying and hiding things folks. I wouldn’t be surprised a bit to find that they’re hooking in human beings into these things. How many missing people do we have? How many missing children did they lose track of recently, 85,000! AI can’t create. It can only scrape what intelligent people have already created and spit it back at us. It is heralded as the future that we should all flock to without knowing anything about it.

Again folks, it’s the persuasion model again -“AI will help you do xyz don’t you want that?” Well yeah, it will give me writing tips, do my taxes and play a game of online poker with me. Great. Second, “it may have some environmental impact….” Well we can overcome those right? We can invent new technologies or use solar power…. “and it will cause massive unemployment. Writers, artists and the most creative among us will lose their voice but it’s okay they will be able to use AI.” Hey wait….I didn’t sign up for that did all of you? “And we use brain tissue from child donors but we assure you that…” Now wait a damn minute! I’m not making that accusation – let’s be clear but I’m saying it’s following an ominous bait and switch pattern. I’m older and my job no longer depends upon this technology so it’s not a difficult for me to say hell no! I will never knowingly use this tech for any reason whatsoever.

And we haven’t even talked about cyber polygon and how technology spies on us, the rise of technocracy and the “let them eat bugs” people or how it ties back into a nasty bit of Eugenics. [1 and 2]

Thanks for not falling asleep folks – so can I ask you one last thing? Can you do something that is hard? Are you the kind of person that can take a challenge? Think about that – let’s have a few hymns from the choir, can we get some old time hymns? Rugged Cross? Yes that’s right, that’s right, let’s sing….

  1. On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross,
    The emblem of suff’ring and shame;
    And I love that old cross where the Dearest and Best
    For a world of lost sinners was slain.

    • Refrain:
      So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross,
      Till my trophies at last I lay down;
      I will cling to the old rugged cross,
      And exchange it someday for a crown.

  2. Oh, that old rugged cross, so despised by the world,
    Has a wondrous attraction for me;
    For the dear Lamb of God left His glory above
    To bear it to dark Calvary.
  3. In that old rugged cross, stained with blood so divine,
    A wondrous beauty I see,
    For ’twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died,
    To pardon and sanctify me.
  4. To the old rugged cross I will ever be true;
    Its shame and reproach gladly bear;
    Then He’ll call me someday to my home far away,
    Where His glory forever I’ll share.

My Grandmother and her mother sang that, isn’t it something folks how these old hymns tie us together through time? That’s what we hold on to when the world loses cohesion.

Doing that which is difficult and hard, that defines what being a Christian and an American is about don’t you think? Our grandparents had it rough! My grandmother loved that hymn and she shoveled coal at six years old.

They want you to think you belong to a so called, ‘online community’ but I’m here to testify that God wants you to belong to your actual local community. Can I get an AMEN! AMEN!!

Elk out in Eds field eating his hay he had growing.

The Call to Action

  1. Consider your own technology consumption and interrupt the pattern

First I want you to spend time in prayer and meditation each day as is commanded by the scripture. And during your time in mediation and prayer – and I know for sure most of you do this already – I want you to consider your technology consumption. What do you consume and is it a problem? Is it an addiction? What can you consume or do instead? That’s important. It’s important not to just quit something but to swap it out. That’s how successful habits are created.

Are we going to consume the news online from any source? NO!

Are we going to mockingbird their neurotic false messages for them to our friends and family? Are we going to fight at thanksgiving with fake facts? NO!

Are we going to eagerly go seeking access to AI on the fake ass promises that it will somehow make our lives as good as DDT did for our grandparents? NO!

Use technology to produce, make things and share with your family. Don’t use it for consumption. It’s not entertainment it’s a weapon and it’s being used against you.

2. Live where you are. Dump the online community. Connect to real people within your own community.

Being part of your community will give you an anchor when they change all the rules all over again – and it’s coming folks. They’re not done upsetting the apple cart. They will swap around the cups a few more times and if you can’t locate the walnut they’ll claim it’s your fault.

There are a lot of war stories about how monks, POW’s and people caught up in conflict were able to get through with meditation, focus and reciting information in their head that they knew, a language to learn or math problems. Focus on something else, anything else because there is a war on for your mind and your attention and these parasites deserve neither.

3. Connect to what is real. Jesus and nature.

Nature can heal, what’s that? What’s that, Ed what did you say? I didn’t hear you…oh! Oh – yeah, nature can give you Lyme disease? Haha, I heard about that Ed! You gotta watch out for them ticks!

You know my wife ended up walking nearly 200 miles last month? She got to know the park really well. We were given a couple of part lab – part mystery puppies and she’s been walking them a couple of times everyday. Everyone stops to play with the puppies too so she gets to talk to everyone. I don’t think they’re ever going to learn to walk on a leash, they must be part Lab and part dummy.

Something else you can do, just get up and watch the sunrise or the sunset. make a point to really just take in the change in the day. Take in the seasons. We have a beach nearby and it’s summer while I’m writing this – go walk barefoot on it – see how you feel. Ed, you watch out for glass okay?

4. Produce something everyday.

Make something. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Whether it’s a garden, a painting, a doodle, a memo, a thank you note to a friend – whatever it is, the more your produce and do and the more your live is a verb the more rewarding you will find it. It’s the antidote to the consumption culture deluge we’ve found ourselves in since the 80’s – first we were told to consume ‘stuff’ and now we’re being told to consumer technology. It’s the same game folks, get you hooked, get you controlled. Knit a scarf instead, you’ll be glad you did.

5. Do something difficult

Pick out a difficult task in life and take it on willingly and with a good attitude. Eat only one meal a day. Sign up for a marathon. Learn a new language. Volunteer to help seniors. Learn weight lifting or how to bake various breads. When you decide to learn and do something difficult the whole world will shift to meet you and open up opportunity.

And I’m not saying do something difficult so you can post it on social media! Let’s not do that! Maybe your difficult undertaking is washing your sheets every week or cooking a meal. The scale is personal and totally private. Nobody needs to know what difficult task you undertake.

So let’s close with a prayer,

“Dear God that are in heaven, please watch over your flock. The devil masquerades as a creator, as an angel of light and virtue. A creature of truth disseminating freedom. Let everyone who hear this prayer see through the lies and subterfuge and stop listening to that great serpent and his political repeaters and resist brainwashing. AMEN.”

Thank you all for attending this sermon. Praise God!

Y’all stick around, it’s the Sunday potluck!

Author wishes to thank the writings and research of James Corbett and Catherine Austin Fitz for in depth fresh well researched analysis that doesn’t fit into the repeating mockingbird strategy.