Drugs, Souls, and the Metaphysical


Something has been bothering me.

When the meth tribe assembles at the local decrepit mobile home for a cooking session it always arrives with high-strangeness, and it spills over to the entire neighborhood. I sound crazy even to myself, but wait – there it is again. The uncanny and the unexplainable. I’m a little hysterical after one particularly bad day with a dog attack followed by fires – I was phoning my daughter upset that there was just something so wrong and metaphysical. And there it was, I did sound crazy. The high strangeness is there with or without my input though – and it’s palpable on the cook days.

I sounded like the old Southern people who saw demonic happening everywhere and sought proof that it was the devil in the drink.

Maybe it really is a deal with ‘the devil’ in a metaphorical sense because there is a pay off – the person initially is given enviable abilities.

I’ve been thinking about that, because the women become hyper sexual and confident. They become sensual vixens to be desired versus feeling like a sack of potatoes in the morning. It will be 30 degrees out and they’ll be sporting a backless crop top with total commitment.

I watched an old boy jump a fence and then jump from a short ladder to a roof smoother than a cat – and that’s impressively super-human.  A lot of the fellows have visible arm muscles and a Marines stance no boot camp required.

A lot of regular hopeless blokes work at the gym non-stop and can’t come close to such results without a competently crafted illicit supplement stack ($) and massive time investment. 

In the addicts everything is overclocked, they lose their body fat initially, then lose inhibitions, then lose everything they own in the world material, and sooner or later they loose their family members who aren’t addicts and there is this wasting away, not just of their body adipose tissue, but through whatever dimensions or otherness that the soul resides in and what we can’t see on this physical plain.  The addiction stretches into the metaphysical and effects the reality around them.

Eventually there just isn’t anything left to burn, and I wonder if that’s why they set fires and are drawn to batteries in flashlights – that energy, they crave it and they burn it. 

I had someone ask me yesterday if I had any lanterns and flashlights and how they were powered, well – I know the addicts here and what that means so nope, not having that conversation.  I suspect maybe most meth addicts are similar.  They also have an obsession with machetes, hatchets and bow and arrows too – I can’t explain that, but they’re fascinated by them, obsessed is the word, it really is. 

They have this super human energy, they can move and do things regular mortals can’t.  But they’re all similar – they’re the zombie hoard that just keeps pressing into our neighborhoods and communities with their tight athletic bodies initially, then the tights spasms and contorted forms and last the madness. It’s as predictable as the sun rising in the morning – a drug is causing this sort of homogenization, a different race of beings almost – a kind of colony with entirely different identity running counter-clockwise to the culture and communities holding on by a thread around them. It’s dipping into the metaphysical causing ripples of dysfunction like black puddles after a rain.

To reiterate, because it’s important: a substance is dictating the interests, physical appearance and thinking of the addicts. Everything that we think makes us an individual and unique is being prescribed to them by a drug. They are rewritten by what they are consuming.

What if It’s Not Just Them

I know a lot of you will take the last paragraph on face value – but please really sit with that…every unique little baby with DNA and life journal is shook like an etch-a-sketch and rewritten. The fact that uh’ that can happen and people can be reprogrammed not just in our physical reality but reaching into the dynamic unseen around us, the metaphysical if you will opens a door into several disturbing questions.

What if we’re not so much the sum of our experiences – what if we’re the sum of what we put into our bodies?

We’ve been told our whole lives that our experiences and DNA shape our personalities. What if that’s even a partial lie?

If I give you a few words, a stereotype will jump to mind: Vegan, Carnivore, Alcoholic, Obese. With stepping away for a second on if the archetypal stereotypes are warranted, the stereotype is dependent upon them consuming a certain substance or avoiding others.

We’re taught (a’hum programmed) we should never paint everyone with a similar brush, see and respect the individual and other high-minded college-isms the academics feel makes them superior, after all they have a deeper trough of understanding and profound humanity and we’re all not but the “unwashed masses” – but is that blinding us to the reality that what we consume has more to do with who we are than our DNA, our “journey” through life and our big stack of traumas? That maybe what holds us back from our dream-self or our dream-life is a lack of potatoes or too much starch? Maybe we could all be confident and athletic with enough Methylphenedate (Ritalin) at least for awhile?

Let’s say our leaders of various world government organizations who actually pull the strings and make life and death decisions are as in the dark about human behavior as anyone else. They subscribe to ideas about bloodlines and life experience. They know they are superior. Just look at their accumulated wealth and status – they have been gifted this by God almighty. And maybe say…just because of this…they require life extension technology because the unwashed masses could never get along without them, no matter how much blood is on their hands …(it’s a lot).

Let’s go out on a limb and say maybe they would be tempted into taking some kind of drug stack and organ replacement therapy to give them a few more years to an indefinite life span.

Let’s theorize for a second that the people running the world are jacked up out of their ever loving brains on their own stack of drugs they’ve convinced themselves is morally okay and necessary. Soon they start to transform, homogenize, predictably adopt certain obsessions (I think they chant, “tech” “tech” “tech” and worship at a main frame). Like a room full of individual metronomes they start to beat the same exact beat and act the same way. They hum at the same frequency. It’s probably an immoral demonic energy made from the fabric of atrocities no normal person can fathom – but there it is. They have the hallmarks of people under the influence of a substance.

Do you not fit in?

Do you have a food allergy? I never fit in, but in a world where everyone drank milk as a child – I never did. I avoided it religiously because of an allergy. Maybe food allergies or sensitivities could make people outcasts. Maybe part of what binds a tribe together is that they consume the same food and substances.

I never hang out with people who drink but I lived in a dry county where we still had prohibition, in other words the people who drank were outliers. If I moved to a region like Sapporo in Japan (famous for beer and alcohol), would I begin to enjoy alcohol on account that it is widely consumed in Japan? When I moved to the Pacific Northwest famous for coffee I began a serious coffee caffeine addiction despite not having drank it previously. Our environments may push us towards various patterns on ingestion. I live by the ocean so Tuna and Halibut have made an appearance on my plate.

What we consume and choose to consume may alter our health and our frequency. It may attract damaging people in or keep them away. It may substantially alter physical capabilities and direct our mind sets. Maybe we’re our choices – but not in the way the vision board people understand. Maybe it’s in a cup of fluoridated water. Maybe the heavy lead base in the apple juice from China that’s being given away through a government program.

Now that we consume unwittingly chemicals and substances most of us do not understand and can’t pronounce we’re tuning into a frequency and vibration unnatural to the planet we inhabit – we may be turning into zombies. The meth addicts are on the expressway of this change, but possibly we’re all heading in the same direction with Chinese supplement companies sporting American labels, phosphates in meat on the shelves (which does not need to be disclosed), heavy metals in numerous foods, and then there are the actual drugs.

Our addictions are exploited at every turn. Choose them wisely.