Out From Under the Bus.

Nathan Pritikin and Ancel Keys

Free nutritional conference and Karaoke tonight at the fairground beginning at 5pm.

First exclusive interview of the ghosts of nutritional pioneers Ancel Keys (1904-2004) and Nathan Pritikin. (1915 – 1985).

In order to push forward modern dietary fads many current superstars of the highly competitive Youtube video diet world disparaged the low-fat diet / hearth health diet recommendation and research of pioneers Ancel Keys and Nathan Pritikin. “We were vilified!”

Inconvenient facts linger such as: Ancel Keys coining the term Mediterranean Diet which is currently the most doctor recommended diet in the world. Ancel Keys taking his own dietary advice died just before his 101st birthday. Engineer and all around genius Nathan Pritikin* left his body to science and wanted an autopsy to prove his heart health which was indeed quite healthy (unfortunately he had terminal cancer and ended his own life.)

The local bus.

“See that bus?” The ghost of Ancel Keys points to a VW yellow van parked on the street. “I’m under it. And I’ve come back, I’ve come back with the big energy, with the gusto, I’ve come back to make a point: I was right. Time to set the record straight, help people, and I’ve brought company.” (nods to the ghost of Nathan Pritikin).

“The big noise is from these ‘new’ diet gurus on the social-medias as you say, with the low-carb-high-fat’. You have the new wizards of the age just spinning the old Banting low-carb diet in new angles to call their own. Then they instruct their followers to ‘simply’ have their gallbladder removed – and that is not acceptable. Any diet that generates illness so predictably it requires surgery is a lousy route to health, we couldn’t rest.”

“That’s right Ancel, there is no peace to be had, I tossed, I tell you I tossed in my grave and then Ancel showed up and I knew – it was time. It was time to return to the world of men. The naysayers hang off our coat tails, bringing OUR names into it, and for what? For WHAT. I tell you for what: money. To sell books. To sell out a conference. For something called, ‘likes’. To get out in front of people. They want that gold, they want the loot. They are digging for it – it’s not about the science, never about higher human good, never to help.”

“My great grandfather had to deal with the Banting, my great great grandfather had to deal with Banting, My great grandson deals with Banting – where is this going to stop?”

“RIGHT. It is far worse than I could have imagined.” (Ancel Keys looks like he is about to explode in exasperation, Nathan takes over….)

“This is the only region [Dysmal Nitch] that believed in ghosts enough to have us, but we hope we get the word out. Yeah the word.” (Ancel nods)

Is it true you have new information? We know from your past research that lots of fresh fruit and colorful veggies are good for us and to cut saturated fat but is there more?

Keys takes it up, “there is heart health fraud going on and we’re here to expose it. The so-called ‘heart-healthy fats'” he waves his ghost hands in the air, “Biology does not know how to break down those types of toxic lipids. Tell me, just tell me, how does the liver approach that? It doesn’t. It tries to wall them off in deep abdominal visceral fat. I can’t, I just can’t with this shit.” Exasperated – “Tell it Nate…”

“So we’re just back from the dead and starting up research again, but it really looks like these putrescent oils during digestion break apart the cell membrane of gut bacteria releasing waves of endotoxins into the body. This can do a lot of harm, anything from auto-immune reactions to flu like symptoms. If you have someone you love in your life with mysterious ill health — get them away from these oils pronto.”

“These oil require massive back-end chemical processing. They should not be eaten. Period.”

Ancel nods in approval, “we’re calling it metabolic-endotoxemia. And this is new, and this is shit nobody is going to tell you. STOP. EATING. OIL.”

“Auto-immune rates is going crazy on this planet, anyone paying attention? Type 1 diabetes diagnoses, for instance, rose 23% between 2001 and 2009 in the United States. 23% — I will say it again: TWENTY-THREE PERCENT. In what universe is that normal? In what universe is that acceptable?”

(Pritikin nods solemnly) “See we had to come back, we had to come back” (Ancel agrees, “yeah come back – this is too much man, I can’t get over this and there is this guy Gundry, you seen this? YOU SEEN THIS? He’s warning everyone plants are going to kill them – holy shit, we gotta get the word out…)

Yeah, I take photos of produce. I’m weird. I get it.

“You have some models saying that up to 50% of the planet has gastritis. Normal? NO. Not at all. We started out to prevent heart attacks but we get back and you have Time Magazine telling people to eat butter, f’n saturated fat. This is a disaster of a magnatoid I can barely wrap my head around.” – Ancel Keys

Now I need to mention that neither of you are professionals in the area of diet or nutrition. Mr. Keys your specialty is fish? Fish physiology? And Mr. Pritikin you were in engineering correct?

“Ancel can I take this? Can I take this? When we were alive it wasn’t about the money. It was about knowledge and pushing forward the greatest nation on the planet”

“AMEN” *Ancel says softly*

“And now we’re back, and if you come out to the fairgrounds we’re going to get into how you can fix your health, which fats to avoid and which you can have a little. Explore the science. Yeah, yeah, we’re going to break it on down. Provide the people with the right plan.”

“Karaoke – don’t forget, we’re going to be singing some CCR, Rolling Stones and even some Blondie after the event, so come on down. We’ll be here until 5pm – midnight.”

Thank you Mr. Pritikin and thank you Mr. Ancel Keys, I can really feel the energy coming off of you and sure it will be a fantastic presentation.

Further Reading

Pritikin Meal Plan (current)

*Nathan Pritikin used his own money to run studies. He successfully reversed heart disease. Dr. Greger’s story about his Grandmother.

** What if It Has All Been a Big Fat Lie, by Gary Taubes, NYTimes