The ‘grey plague’ arrived early this year just ahead of Halloween as colorful mushrooms begin to appear overnight in the dense fog and drizzling rain.
Remember: “first a cough, then a rattle, then a moan” (Zombies, Run! reference) are the first signs of becoming a zombie. Avoid anyone with these symptoms.
Radiological PPE appears to hamper the time honored method of avoiding zombies by running away, as the suit tends to be unwieldy and slow down the wearer.
Hopefully you stayed in shape all summer long and did not sprain an ankle or purchase shoes which do poorly over long distance runs. Remember to stay on high alert for shambling zombies. Experts predict that once again we’re stuck with unknown number of brain hungry zombies until just after Thanksgiving when most will have laid back down to rest in the soft sucking black earth around the bog.
Happy Halloween October 22nd 2020